Why Is My Drain Gurgling? Here’s What You Need to Know

When you turn on your sink or step into the shower, the soothing sound of water flowing is expected. But what happens when you hear an unsettling gurgle or glugging noise? It’s a clear sign that something’s amiss with your drains. Plumbing issues rarely resolve themselves, so it’s crucial to address the problem promptly. In this article, we’ll delve into the two primary reasons behind gurgling drains and offer practical solutions.

1. The Dreaded Formation of a Clog

One of the most common culprits behind gurgling noises beneath your sink is a sneaky clog. Clogs are the bane of every homeowner’s existence, and they manifest for a couple of straightforward reasons: plumbing pipes aren’t exactly spacious, and various clog-inducing substances find their way down our drains regularly.

Here’s a list of common clog instigators:



    Leftover food scraps


    Non-toilet paper paper products (think facial tissues, paper towels, napkins, and the like)

    “Flushable” wipes (yes, they’re not as flushable as they claim)

    Makeup pads


    Cotton balls

    Feminine hygiene products

    Dental floss


    Mortar and adhesives

To tackle a clog independently, consider employing the trusty plunger or, if you’re feeling a bit DIY-savvy, a manual drain snake. But here’s a crucial piece of advice: refrain from resorting to chemical drain cleaners. These concoctions typically contain highly corrosive chemicals like sulfuric acid or sodium hydroxide, which can wreak havoc on your pipes, jeopardize your safety, and even pose risks to the contractor who eventually comes to clear the clog after the drain cleaner fails. When in doubt, call in a professional team like ours here at All Clear Sewer and Drain instead of reaching for that chemical quick fix.

2. Vent Pipe Blockage Drama

Did you know that not all the pipes in your plumbing system handle water and waste? Some pipes serve as vent pipes, integral to the proper functioning of your plumbing. These vent pipes play two vital roles: they provide an escape route for noxious sewer gases, keeping your home smelling fresh, and they prevent a vacuum from forming within your drain pipes, ensuring the unimpeded flow of water and waste toward your home’s sewer line.

These vent pipes typically converge into a main pipe, which often protrudes from your home’s roof. However, being exposed to the elements, this pipe can encounter obstructions such as bird nests, unfortunate deceased critters, leaves, windblown garbage, or even rogue baseballs! These blockages can trigger peculiar gurgling sounds to come from within your home’s drains.

Clearing such blockages may necessitate venturing onto your roof, a task best left to trained and insured professionals like us here at All Clear Sewer and Drain. Safety should always be a priority!

When in Doubt, Seek Professional Help from All Clear

Dealing with a troublesome drain in your North Carolina home? At All Clear Sewer and Drain, our highly-trained contractors excel at diagnosing drain issues and providing the guidance you need to make informed decisions. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at (888) 834-3655 or contact us online. Your drain concerns are our expertise, and we’re here to help you restore tranquility to your home.